Tuesday, March 8, 2011

testing...  Sorry to the whole two ppl who follow me (shout out - Kyle and Ashley!). I know I've been posting and erasing a lot tonight. I'm trying out the different ways to post from my phone. I promise (well, I hope) that this is the last one! 

Gluten - going, going, gone!

Well, it's been almost a year since my last post, so I guess it's time for me to once again pretend like I'm going to actually get serious about writing in this blog, blah, blah....

I can NOT believe that it's been almost a year.  Before I even signed in and looked, I could have told you exactly what my last post was about - like I had just written it last week.  As I was reading that it and thinking about how drastically my life has changed over the past year, I couldn't help but smile as I realized that each of the "facts" that I had listed still held true.  The only minor exception being the one about drinking beer through a straw.  While I still don't have a problem with the actual use of a straw to drink beer, I no can no longer actually drink beer.  (and good riddance in my opinion - I really wasn't a fan anyways).

Last September I was (finally) diagnosed with celiac disease - which for those of you who don't know - means that I can no longer eat gluten.  It's been about 6 months since I stopped, and I can honestly say that, although my health isn't completely perfect, nor would I say cutting out gluten was a magical cure-all, things have greatly improved.  My headaches are fewer and farther between, I've had less respiratory/sinus infections(compared to their usual frequency over the past 10-12 years), my allergies have improved, my skin is so much clearer, etc, etc - the list really could go on.  Do I miss it?  Of course!!  Do I think it's a good diet for everyone? No way!  It's expensive and takes a lot of preparation and planning ahead - especially to get a somewhat balanced diet.  (Which, according to my doctor, does not consist solely of chocolate chex,  cool whip, peanut butter and gushers - although they ARE all gluten free.)

Maybe I'll get better at this and actually update more than a couple of time a year - maybe I won't.  I'm just going to play it by ear.  No reason to make big plans and then just end up letting myself down, right?  :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


I found this while cleaning off my external hard drive.  I wrote this list 8 years ago and pretty much every single line is still as true today as it was then.

● I’m independent, but don’t like to be alone.

● I have no problem drinking beer out of a straw.

● I like to give advice, but rarely take that of others.

● My sister and my mom are my best friends.

● I’m afraid of the dark.

● I still call my parents mommy and daddy.

● I’m fascinated by ghost stories, but hate scary movies.

● I talk way too much, but I’m still a good listener.

● I actually like to read (when I have time).

● I’m a college graduate and now living in the “real” world.

● I wish I was better at keeping in touch with old friends.

● I’m very passionate about things I truly enjoy.

● I find it nearly impossible to pay attention to movies with subtitles.

● I'm usually not a fan of talking on the phone.

● I have a fear of failure.

● My family and friends are the most important people in my life.

● I believe music holds the answer.

● Weaknesses: wine, smooth talkers, confidence, and spontaneity

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

music that's making me happy right now

Here's a short playlist of songs that I think are worth a listen.  It's a pretty random mix, but that's how I like it.

note:  The song links will take you to lala.com.  You have to register, but then you can listen to the songs for free.  I love this site!  This is where I buy all my music.  It's usually cheaper than iTunes and is easily converted for iTunes.  Plus, you can preview the ENTIRE song instead of just a clip.

Poison & Wine

artist:  The Civil Wars
album:  Poison & Wine - single (2009)

Song in my Head

artist:  Sherwood
album:  A Different Light (2007)

Little Wonders

artist:  Rob Thomas
album:  Little Wonders - single (2007)


artist:  The Script
album:  The Script (2008)

Almost Perfect

artist:  Ingram Hill
album:  June's Picture Show (2004)


artist:  Matt & Kim
album:  Daylight - single (2009)


artist:  La Roux
album:  La Roux (2009)


artist: Zac Brown Band
album:  The Foundation (2008)

Paperthin Hymn
Stationary Stationery

artist:  Anberlin
album:  Never Take Friendship Personal (2005)

Any other suggestions for me??

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Things making me happy right now

+ skinny jeans
+ Diet Coke
+ cup cakes
+ down comforters
+ hammocks  :)
+ playing in the waves
+ cuddling with G while reading his bedtime story
+ men wearing ties
+ bubble baths
+ taking photographs
+ how a song can bring back a memory with such amazing clarity (I swear it happened twice today)
+ not having to set an alarm
+ inside jokes
+ the Saints
+ iTunes on shuffle at work
+ driving with my windows down
+ people that even ATTEMPT to use correct grammar and spelling
+ wearing flip flops year round
+ reading
+ great times with great friends last weekend  :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


As Kyle said "just wow."
Future of the Fight Against Cancer

You've got to be kidding...
Explosive Breast Implants

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm back. For real.

This thing needed a serious overhaul.  In the process of trying to accomplish that I managed to delete ALL but two of my posts (I'm still not sure how I managed that.  Talent.  I know.)  So...

We're just going to start over. 

I'm not even going to try to catch up on what I've been up to.  This time of year is always so crazy.  I've been traveling almost every weekend since some time in March, and it doesn't look like that's changing any time soon.

Most recently I was honored to be part of the wedding of two of my favorite people - Darcy and Darren.  They're perfect.  The wedding was perfect.  Everything was beautiful (ugh, those creative types).  The celebration was pretty much continuous and couldn't have been much better.  Great times, good friends and some new faces that will definitely be keepers.  Congratulations Darren and Best Wishes to Darcy!  (And since I made that distinction, now would be the time to make fun of us Southern girls and our Southern traditions) I love you guys and couldn't be happier for you both.

I've got some good links and articles that I'll try to get up soon.  (which means you probably shouldn't hold your breath)