Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm back. For real.

This thing needed a serious overhaul.  In the process of trying to accomplish that I managed to delete ALL but two of my posts (I'm still not sure how I managed that.  Talent.  I know.)  So...

We're just going to start over. 

I'm not even going to try to catch up on what I've been up to.  This time of year is always so crazy.  I've been traveling almost every weekend since some time in March, and it doesn't look like that's changing any time soon.

Most recently I was honored to be part of the wedding of two of my favorite people - Darcy and Darren.  They're perfect.  The wedding was perfect.  Everything was beautiful (ugh, those creative types).  The celebration was pretty much continuous and couldn't have been much better.  Great times, good friends and some new faces that will definitely be keepers.  Congratulations Darren and Best Wishes to Darcy!  (And since I made that distinction, now would be the time to make fun of us Southern girls and our Southern traditions) I love you guys and couldn't be happier for you both.

I've got some good links and articles that I'll try to get up soon.  (which means you probably shouldn't hold your breath)

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