Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gluten - going, going, gone!

Well, it's been almost a year since my last post, so I guess it's time for me to once again pretend like I'm going to actually get serious about writing in this blog, blah, blah....

I can NOT believe that it's been almost a year.  Before I even signed in and looked, I could have told you exactly what my last post was about - like I had just written it last week.  As I was reading that it and thinking about how drastically my life has changed over the past year, I couldn't help but smile as I realized that each of the "facts" that I had listed still held true.  The only minor exception being the one about drinking beer through a straw.  While I still don't have a problem with the actual use of a straw to drink beer, I no can no longer actually drink beer.  (and good riddance in my opinion - I really wasn't a fan anyways).

Last September I was (finally) diagnosed with celiac disease - which for those of you who don't know - means that I can no longer eat gluten.  It's been about 6 months since I stopped, and I can honestly say that, although my health isn't completely perfect, nor would I say cutting out gluten was a magical cure-all, things have greatly improved.  My headaches are fewer and farther between, I've had less respiratory/sinus infections(compared to their usual frequency over the past 10-12 years), my allergies have improved, my skin is so much clearer, etc, etc - the list really could go on.  Do I miss it?  Of course!!  Do I think it's a good diet for everyone? No way!  It's expensive and takes a lot of preparation and planning ahead - especially to get a somewhat balanced diet.  (Which, according to my doctor, does not consist solely of chocolate chex,  cool whip, peanut butter and gushers - although they ARE all gluten free.)

Maybe I'll get better at this and actually update more than a couple of time a year - maybe I won't.  I'm just going to play it by ear.  No reason to make big plans and then just end up letting myself down, right?  :)

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