Friday, May 7, 2010


I found this while cleaning off my external hard drive.  I wrote this list 8 years ago and pretty much every single line is still as true today as it was then.

● I’m independent, but don’t like to be alone.

● I have no problem drinking beer out of a straw.

● I like to give advice, but rarely take that of others.

● My sister and my mom are my best friends.

● I’m afraid of the dark.

● I still call my parents mommy and daddy.

● I’m fascinated by ghost stories, but hate scary movies.

● I talk way too much, but I’m still a good listener.

● I actually like to read (when I have time).

● I’m a college graduate and now living in the “real” world.

● I wish I was better at keeping in touch with old friends.

● I’m very passionate about things I truly enjoy.

● I find it nearly impossible to pay attention to movies with subtitles.

● I'm usually not a fan of talking on the phone.

● I have a fear of failure.

● My family and friends are the most important people in my life.

● I believe music holds the answer.

● Weaknesses: wine, smooth talkers, confidence, and spontaneity

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